February 2, 2014
ZeroBin Security Audit
This is the result of a 4-hour security audit of ZeroBin. The audit was performed for free as a service to the free/opensource community.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------- Security Audit of ZeroBin Taylor Hornby February 02, 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ZeroBin's website [ZBW] describes ZeroBin as "a minimalist, opensource online pastebin/discussion board where the server has zero knowledge of hosted data." This report documents the results of a 4-hour security audit of ZeroBin. It was performed for free as a service to the free and open source software community. The audit was performed on a current clone of ZeroBin's Git repository [GR]. The commit hash is: 4f8750bbddcb137213529875e45e3ace3be9a769 Note that this code is newer than the code available for download from the ZeroBin website [ZBW] (version 0.18), which has known vulnerabilities [XSS]. 1.1 Audit Scope This audit focused on the PHP side of ZeroBin. The JavaScript side was only audited briefly, so most issues could not be verified, and were added to Section 4, Future Work, below. The audit did NOT check for XSS vulnerabilities in zerobin.js, and did NOT check for correct usage of the SJCL cryptography library. The audit did NOT cover the following files: - lib/rain.tpl.class.php - js/base64.js - js/highlight.pack.js - js/jquery.js - js/rawdeflate.js - js/rawinflate.js - js/sjcl.js 2. Issues 2.1. Salt and HMAC Key Generated with mt_rand() Exploitability: Medium Security Impact: Low In serversalt.php, generateRandomSalt() generates a salt using the mt_rand() pseudo-random number generator. Because mt_rand() is not a cryptographic random number generator, this function will return easily-guessed salts with a much higher probability of collision. The salts generated by this function are relied on for security. For example, it is used as an HMAC key when checking delete tokens in processPasteDelete(). It should be replaced with mcrypt_create_iv() or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(). Another unused mt_rand() salt generator appears in vizhash_gd_zero.php. This should be removed. This issue has already been reported in [GH68], but has not been fixed (the issue is still open). 2.2. Fixed Server Salt Exploitability: Low Security Impact: Low The security of the VizHash hashes of IP addresses (used to generate comment avatars) and delete tokens both rely on a fixed "salt" which is generated once per deployment, saved in data/salt.php. As noted in Issue 2.1, this salt is not generated with a secure random number, but keeping it fixed has several other disadvantages: - If the salt is compromised and published, anyone can reverse a VizHash into the corresponding IP address, even for expired posts (that they saved). This would not be possible if a random comment salt was generated for each post, then destroyed along with the post when it expires. This would, however, give users different avatars on different posts (which may be desired). - If the salt is compromised and published, anyone can find the delete link for any post, since they can compute the HMAC. This does not need to be possible. A random delete token could be generated for each post, and its hash stored along with the post. Then, the post could only be deleted if the user can provide the preimage of the hash. - Reusing the same key for two purposes is generally a bad idea. 2.3. Traffic Limiter Race Conditions To rate limit requests, ZeroBin keeps a history of hit times in data/traffic_limiter.php, which is generated and re-generated in traffic_limiter_canPass(). Because requests can be made asynchronously, the file may become corrupted. This might allow remote code execution, if the attacker is clever enough to corrupt the file in just the right way, since the traffic_limiter.php file is require()'d. This issue has already been reported, and a patch has been provided, in [GH61], but has not been fixed (the issue is still open). 2.4. VizHash IP Address Online Guessing Exploitability: Very Low Security Impact: Low The VizHash system is used to give users who comment an avatar derived from their IP address. If an attacker can create connections to the ZeroBin server from arbitrary source IPs (e.g. if they are in the same LAN as the ZeroBin server, or man-in-the-middling its traffic), they can perform an online guessing attack on the VizHash they are interested in. 2.5. Relies on .htaccess files, which may not be enabled. Exploitability: N/A Security Impact: Very Low ZeroBin relies on .htaccess files being enabled to prevent access to the 'data' directory. This directory contains the ciphertexts, salt, and rate limiter array. If .htaccess is disabled, of if ZeroBin is installed on a non-Apache web server, then an attacker may be able to access these files. The salt and rate limiter array are safe since they are in .php files. However, the attacker would be able to access the ciphertext. This is not a security issue because the attacker already has access to the ciphertext. If directory traversal is enabled, the attacker can see all of the post ids, too. 2.6. The robots.txt does not work in a subdomain. Exploitability: N/A Security Impact: Low ZeroBin uses a robots.txt file to prevent search engines from indexing the posts. If you install ZeroBin into a subdirectory, this does not work. A note about this should be added to the README or other documentation, so that the user knows to install the robots.txt file in the right place. 2.7 HMAC Not Compared in Constant Time Exploitability: Medium Security Impact: Low ZeroBin uses an HMAC to generate and check delete tokens. The HMAC is compared against the correct one with PHP's "!=" operator. A timing attack can exploit this error to compute the HMAC of arbitrary data with the server's salt. ZeroBin should check if the strings are equal in constant time: function slow_equals($a, $b) { $diff = strlen($a) ^ strlen($b); for($i = 0; $i < strlen($a) && $i < strlen($b); $i++) { $diff |= ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i]); } return $diff === 0; } 2.8. Arbitrary File Unlink Exploitability: Medium Security Impact: High An attacker can delete arbitrary files on the server by exploiting a vulnerability in processPasteDelete(). Here is a condensed version of the code: function processPasteDelete($pasteid,$deletetoken) { if (preg_match('/\A[a-f\d]{16}\z/',$pasteid)) { $filename = dataid2path($pasteid).$pasteid; if (!is_file($filename)) { return ... error message ... } } if ($deletetoken != hash_hmac('sha1', $pasteid , getServerSalt())) { return ... error message ... } deletePaste($pasteid); return array('','','Paste was properly deleted.'); } The $pasteid variable comes directly from $_GET['pasteid'], which the attacker can control. The $deletetoken variable comes from $_GET['deletetoken']. If $deletetoken matches the HMAC, $pasteid is passed to deletePaste(), which runs: unlink(dataid2path($pasteid).$pasteid); Thus, if an attacker can compute the HMAC, they can delete arbitrary files on the server. The HMAC can be computed if the salt is known. Forging the HMAC without already knowing the salt is easy because of Issue 2.7 and Issue 2.1. 2.9. HMAC Uses SHA1 instead of SHA256 Exploitability: Very Low Security Impact: Low ZeroBin uses a SHA1 HMAC to derive the delete token. SHA1 should be replaced with a better hash function, like SHA256. 2.10. No Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection Exploitability: Medium Security Impact: Medium ZeroBin does not attempt to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. A malicious website can make a user's browser delete ZeroBin posts (if the delete token is known), create posts, and post comments to existing posts. A CSRF attack to post comments can be a problem when a malicious website wants to find out the ZeroBin VizHash of its visitors, to see what they have been commenting. The attack would work as follows: 1. Alice suspects Bob posted a rude ZeroBin comment. 2. Alice generates a web page that causes Bob's browser to comment "I AM BOB!" on a ZeroBin post. 3. Alice emails a link to the malicious page to Bob. 4. Bob clicks the link. 5. Alice checks the post, sees that the "I AM BOB!" comment has the same VizHash as the rude comment. Alice now knows it was Bob that made the rude comment. 3. Coding Practices The ZeroBin code could be made more secure, and easier to audit, by following some good coding practices. These are documented in the next sections. 3.1. Always Assume Malice When a string is used in a way that might affect security, it should always be assumed to be malicious, even if it is just a constant string. The ZeroBin code does not do this, for example: - In the post creation code, it assumes $dataid is safe, which it is, since it it is a hex string from an MD5 hash, but it would be better if the code assumed it was malicious and checked/escaped it anyway. - Several strings are not escaped in tpl/page.html. $VERSION is not escaped in the header, and $STATUS is not escaped in the body. Even though these are static strings, they should be escaped anyway, since someone might change the error messages to reflect user input in the future. See Section 4.6. 4. Future Work 4.1. Secure Code Delivery ZeroBin relies on the JavaScript code being delivered securely. A malicious server or man-in-the-middle can modify the code to leak the key. This is already well known and is being addressed in [GH17]. 4.2. urls2links XSS In zerobin.js, urls2links() converts a URL text into a clickable link. The replacement is done purely by regular expression, and no escaping is done. This may be a source of XSS vulnerabilities. I did not have enough time to understand what the regular expression is doing, so I'm not sure if this is exploitable or not. There are other bits of code that look like they might be XSS vulnerabilities (e.g. line 233 in zerobin.js where divComment is set). I did not have enough time to check these in detail. 4.3. Low Entropy in Browsers Without CSPRNGs If the web browser does not have window.crypto.getRandomValues(), the key is derived from mouse movements and stuff. That may not be good enough. Perhaps in these cases the server could help the client by supplying some of its own entropy from mcrypt_create_iv() or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(). 4.4. Plaintext is Compressed Before Encryption Posts are compressed before they are encrypted. This makes the ciphertext length depend on the plaintext content. This may create vulnerabilities in specific use cases where an attacker can choose variations of the same post to be encrypted. This would be similar to the CRIME and BREACH attacks, except happening at the application layer. 4.5. Is SJCL used correctly? This audit did not check if zerobin.js uses the SJCL cryptography library correctly. 4.6. Possible XSS in tpl/page.html JSON encoded data is inserted into the HTML page unescaped in tpl/page.html. This is because $STATUS is set to the return value of processPasteFetch(), which returns JSON encoded data based on the user's input. I did not check if this is exploitable. 5. Conclusion Several issues were found. The most critical being the arbitrary file unlink vulnerability, described in Section 2.8, and the use of mt_rand() to generate HMAC keys, described in Section 2.1. This audit did not cover the JavaScript cryptography, nor did it cover XSS vulnerabilities in the JavaScript code. More auditing time is recommended. 6. References [GH17] https://github.com/sebsauvage/ZeroBin/issues/17 [GH68] https://github.com/sebsauvage/ZeroBin/issues/68 [GH61] https://github.com/sebsauvage/ZeroBin/pull/61 [GR] https://github.com/sebsauvage/ZeroBin [ZBW] http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:zerobin [XSS] https://github.com/sebsauvage/ZeroBin/commit/4f8750bbddcb137213529875e45e3ace3be9a769