Security & Encryption Details
Pastebins are useful for sending text over Twitter or instant messaging, but the most popular ones do not provide any security. Posts on "pastebin.com" are indexed by search engines. You can search for private keys. This pastebin aims to protect your data as much as possible while being as easy to use as other pastebin services.
The text you submit here will be encrypted and sent over an SSL/TLS connection so that it should never be seen by anyone unless they know the URL and, if one was used, the client-side password. For maximum security, use a strong client-side password and transmit it through a secure channel (such as OTR-encrypted chat or PGP-encrypted email).
Important Security Note: Someone with access to the web server will not be able to decrypt the posts already stored in the database, but they can:
- Modify the JavaScript encryption code to make it save your password.
- View your post as it is being submitted.
- View your post as it is being viewed.
This means that you must trust the operator of the server hosting this website. You must trust that law enforcement has not compelled the operator to provide the decrypted posts. So far, that has not happened (check often to see if this text has been removed).
We have a robots.txt entry to stop search engines from indexing the posts. Search engines can ignore the robots.txt file, so this is not guaranteed.
If logging were enabled on the server, then the pastebin URLs would be written to the log file and the system administrator could see the posts. For this reason, access logging is disabled on the server. If access logging must be enabled for some reason, there are rules in place to ensure requests with pastebin URLs or Referers are not logged.
Here's how the encryption works:

Command-Line Script
This bash script reads standard input, encrypts it, then uploads it to the pastebin. It then prints the command to download and decrypt the post.
Warning: The download-and-decrypt command contains the encryption password. It will be visible to other users via the process list (ps aux), and will be saved in your shell history. For maximum security, omit the --passphrase option and paste the password separately.
# makepaste.sh - encrypt text with gpg and host it on defuse.ca's pastebin.
# This script reads text from standard input, encrypts it with a random password
# using gpg, uploads it to defuse.ca's pastebin, then prints the command to
# download and decrypt it.
# https://defuse.ca/pastebin.htm
PASSWORD=$(gpg --gen-random 2 16 | base64)
URL=$( \
gpg --passphrase $PASSWORD -c -a | \
curl -s -d "jscrypt=no" -d "lifetime=864000" \
-d "shorturl=yes" --data-urlencode "paste@-" \
https://defuse.ca/bin/add.php -D - | \
grep Location | cut -d " " -f 2 | tr -d '\r\n' \
echo "wget $URL?raw=true -q -O - | gpg -d -q --passphrase $PASSWORD"
Tip: To send the command over Twitter, put an "$x" between the slashes in "https://", like "https:/$x/". Doing so stops Twitter from transforming it into a link.