GnuTLS Pre-Shared Key Client-Server Example Code

It is very easy to set up a secure TLS connection with pre-shared key authentication using GnuTLS. The following code is an example of how to do it. The code is heavily documented, so it should be readable even to someone who has never worked with GnuTLS before. The code is in the public domain, so feel free to do absolutely anything you want with it.

Here is the GnuTLS Manual, which is a great reference.


Download Makefile
 1 # Makefile for compiling the GnuTLS pre-shared key client-server example.
 3 server: server.c
 4         gcc -Wall -Werror -c server.c -o server.o `pkg-config gnutls --cflags`
 5         gcc server.o -o server `pkg-config gnutls --libs`
 7 client: client.c
 8         gcc -Wall -Werror -c client.c -o client.o `pkg-config gnutls --cflags`
 9         gcc client.o -o client `pkg-config gnutls --libs`


Download server.c
  1 //             GnuTLS pre-shared key (PSK) client-server example.
  2 //                    This is the SERVER (server.c).
  3 //
  4 // This code was written by Taylor Hornby on April 18, 2013. You can find it
  5 // on the web at:
  6 //          https://defuse.ca/gnutls-psk-client-server-example.htm
  7 // 
  8 // This code is in the public domain. You can do whatever you want with it.
  9 //
 10 // In this simple example,
 11 //   1. The server accepts a TCP connection from the client.
 12 //   2. The server and client perform the SSL/TLS handshake over the connection.
 13 //   3. The server sends the client some data.
 14 //   4. The server and client close the SSL/TLS and TCP connection.
 15 //   5. The server and the client exit.
 16 //
 17 // The code is heavily commented so that it can be understood by someone who has
 18 // never used GnuTLS before. The GnuTLS manual can be found here:
 19 //               http://www.gnutls.org/manual/gnutls.html
 21 // Standard Library stuff
 22 #include <stdio.h>
 23 #include <stdlib.h>
 24 #include <string.h>
 25 #include <errno.h>
 27 // Stuff for sockets.
 28 #include <unistd.h>
 29 #include <netinet/in.h>
 30 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 31 #include <sys/types.h>
 32 #include <sys/socket.h>
 34 // GnuTLS!
 35 #include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
 37 // This is the secret key that must be shared (over a secure channel!) between
 38 // the client and server. Obviously in a real application it should be in
 39 // a configuration file or something and not built-in constant. It also
 40 // shouldn't be an ASCII string. Use a good CSPRNG!
 42 // This is the port number that the server will listen on.
 43 #define PORT 8050
 44 // GnuTLS log level. 9 is the most verbose.
 45 #define LOG_LEVEL 0
 47 int accept_one_connection(int port);
 48 void error_exit(const char *msg);
 49 // GnuTLS callbacks.
 50 int psk_creds(gnutls_session_t, const char*, gnutls_datum_t*);
 51 ssize_t data_push(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, const void*, size_t);
 52 ssize_t data_pull(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, void*, size_t);
 53 void print_logs(int, const char*);
 54 void print_audit_logs(gnutls_session_t, const char*);
 56 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 57 {
 58     // We use the 'res' variable to capture return values, so we can check for
 59     // success/failure.
 60     int res;
 62     // Initialize GnuTLS's global state. You only have to do this once.
 63     gnutls_global_init();
 65     // Enable logging (for debugging).
 66     // Be careful with this in a real application. You don't want to reveal the
 67     // logging information to any potential attackers.
 68     gnutls_global_set_log_level(LOG_LEVEL);
 69     gnutls_global_set_log_function(print_logs);
 70     // Enable logging (for auditing).
 71     // (commented out because it's not available in my version of GnuTLS)
 72     // gnutls_global_set_audit_log_function(print_audit_logs);
 74     // A GnuTLS session is like a socket for an SSL/TLS connection.
 75     gnutls_session_t session;
 77     // Initialize the session for our connection from the client.
 78     res = gnutls_init(&session, GNUTLS_SERVER);
 79     if (res != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
 80         error_exit("gnutls_init() failed.\n");
 81     }
 83     // Allocate the structure we use to tell GnuTLS what the credentials
 84     // (pre-shared key) are.
 85     gnutls_psk_server_credentials_t cred;
 86     res = gnutls_psk_allocate_server_credentials(&cred);
 87     if (res != 0) {
 88         error_exit("gnutls_psk_allocate_server_credentials() failed.\n");
 89     }
 90     // GnuTLS will call psk_creds to ask for the key associated with the
 91     // client's username.
 92     gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_function(cred, psk_creds);
 93     // Pass the "credentials" to the GnuTLS session. GnuTLS does NOT make an
 94     // internal copy of the information, so we have to keep the 'cred' structure
 95     // in memory (and not modify it) until we're done with this session.
 96     res = gnutls_credentials_set(session, GNUTLS_CRD_PSK, cred);
 97     if (res != 0) {
 98         error_exit("gnutls_credentials_set() failed.\n");
 99     }
101     // Set the cipher suite priorities.
102     // See section 6.10 of the GnuTLS manuals for a description of this string.
103     // Run `gnutls-cli -l` to see what your GnuTLS supports.
104     const char *error = NULL;
105     // Here we allow all 128+ bit ciphers except RC4 and disable SSL3 and TLS1.0.
106     res = gnutls_priority_set_direct(
107         session,
108         "SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0:-VERS-TLS1.0:-ARCFOUR-128:+PSK:+DHE-PSK",
109         &error
110     );
111     if (res != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
112         error_exit("gnutls_priority_set_direct() failed.\n");
113     }
115     // Accept a TCP connection.
116     int connfd = accept_one_connection(PORT);
118     // Below we give GnuTLS access to the transport layer. GnuTLS needs a way of
119     // reading and writing to and from the TCP socket (or whatever transport
120     // layer you're using). Newer versions of GnuTLS can work directly with
121     // Berkely sockets (see gnutls_transport_set_int()), but here we use the
122     // push/pull callbacks as an example.
124     // GnuTLS passes a pointer to the send and receive callbacks. Here we
125     // construct a pointer to the connection's file descriptor which we will
126     // tell GnuTLS to pass to the callbacks.
127     int *connfdPtr = malloc(sizeof(int));
128     *connfdPtr = connfd;
129     gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session, connfdPtr);
131     // Set the callback that allows GnuTLS to PUSH data TO the transport layer
132     gnutls_transport_set_push_function(session, data_push);
133     // Set the callback that allows GnuTls to PULL data FROM the tranport layer
134     gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(session, data_pull);
136     // Now we perform the actual SSL/TLS handshake.
137     // If you wanted to, you could send some data over the tcp socket before
138     // giving it to GnuTLS and performing the handshake. See the GnuTLS manual
139     // on STARTTLS for more information.
140     do {
141         res = gnutls_handshake(session);
142         // GnuTLS manual says to keep trying until it returns zero (success) or
143         // encounters a fatal error.
144     } while ( res != 0 && !gnutls_error_is_fatal(res) );
145     // If there is a fatal error, it is a fatal error for the PROTOCOL, not
146     // a fatal error for the GnuTLS library. In this example, we just exit. In
147     // a real application, you would alert the user, try again, etc.
148     if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res)) {
149         error_exit("Fatal error during handshake.\n");
150     }
152     // If all went well, we've established a secure connection to the client.
153     // We can now send some data.
154     int i;
155     char buf[100];
156     for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
157         sprintf(buf, "Server %d\r\n", i);
158         do {
159             // gnutls_record_send() behaves like send(), so it doesn't always
160             // send all of the available data. You should check the return value
161             // and send anything it didn't send (just like you would with
162             // send()).
163             res = gnutls_record_send(session, buf, strlen(buf));
164         } while (res == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED || res == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN);
165         if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res)) {
166             // Again, a fatal error doesn't mean you have to exit, it's just
167             // a fatal error for the protocol. You should alert the user, retry,
168             // etc.
169             error_exit("Fatal error during send.\n");
170         }
171     }
173     // Tear down the SSL/TLS connection. You could just close the TCP socket,
174     // but this authenticates to the client your intent to close the connection,
175     // so they can distinguish between you actually wanting to close the
176     // connection and an attacker forcing it to close. Always do this.
177     gnutls_bye(session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
179     // Destroy the session.
180     gnutls_deinit(session);
182     // Close the TCP connection.
183     close(connfd);
184     // GnuTLS shouldn't be making calls to the push/pull functions, so it's now
185     // safe to deallocate the pointer to the socket.
186     free(connfdPtr);
188     // Destroy the structure we used to tell GnuTLS what credentials to use.
189     // We have to do this after we call gnutls_deinit(), since GnuTLS doesn't
190     // make an internal copy of the structure.
191     gnutls_psk_free_server_credentials(cred);
193     // Finally, tear down GnuTLS's global state.
194     gnutls_global_deinit();
196     printf("All done!\n");
197     return 0;
198 }
200 // GnuTLS calls this function to get the pre-shared key. The client will tell
201 // the server its username, and GnuTLS will give us that username. We have to
202 // return the key that we share with that client. We set this callback with
203 // gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_function().
204 int psk_creds(gnutls_session_t session, const char *username, gnutls_datum_t *key)
205 {
206     // For this example, we ignore the username and return the same key every
207     // time. In a real application, you would look up the key for the username
208     // and return that. If the username does not exist, return a negative
209     // number (see the manual).
210     key->size = strlen(SECRET_KEY);
211     key->data = gnutls_malloc(key->size);
212     if (key->data == NULL) {
213         return -1;
214     }
215     memcpy(key->data, SECRET_KEY, key->size);
216     return 0;
217 }
219 // GnuTLS calls this function to send data through the transport layer. We set
220 // this callback with gnutls_transport_set_push_function(). It should behave
221 // like send() (see the manual for specifics).
222 ssize_t data_push(gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, const void* data, size_t len)
223 {
224     int sockfd = *(int*)(ptr);
225     return send(sockfd, data, len, 0);
226 }
228 // GnuTLS calls this function to receive data from the transport layer. We set
229 // this callback with gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(). It should act like
230 // recv() (see the manual for specifics).
231 ssize_t data_pull(gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, void* data, size_t maxlen)
232 {
233     int sockfd = *(int*)(ptr);
234     return recv(sockfd, data, maxlen, 0);
235 }
237 // GnuTLS will call this function whenever there is a new debugging log message.
238 void print_logs(int level, const char* msg)
239 {
240     printf("GnuTLS [%d]: %s", level, msg);
241 }
243 // GnuTLS will call this function whenever there is a new audit log message.
244 void print_audit_logs(gnutls_session_t session, const char* message)
245 {
246     printf("GnuTLS Audit: %s", message);
247 }
249 // Listens on 'port' for a TCP connection. Accepts at most one connection.
250 int accept_one_connection(int port)
251 {
252     int res;
253     // Listen for a TCP connection.
254     struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
255     int listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
256     if (listenfd < 0) {
257         error_exit("socket() failed.\n");
258     }
259     int yes = 1;
260     if (setsockopt(listenfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
261         error_exit("setsockopt() failed.\n");
262     }
263     memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
264     serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
265     serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
266     serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
267     res = bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
268     if (res < 0) {
269         error_exit("bind() failed.\n");
270     }
271     res = listen(listenfd, 10);
272     if (res < 0) {
273         error_exit("listen() failed.\n");
274     }
276     printf("Waiting for a connection...\n");
278     // Accept a TCP connection.
279     int connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)NULL, NULL);
280     if (connfd < 0) {
281         error_exit("accept() failed.\n");
282     }
284     printf("A client connected!\n");
286     close(listenfd);
288     return connfd;
289 }
291 void error_exit(const char *msg)
292 {
293     printf("ERROR: %s", msg);
294     exit(1);
295 }


Download client.c
  1 //             GnuTLS pre-shared key (PSK) client-server example.
  2 //                    This is the CLIENT (client.c).
  3 //
  4 // This code was written by Taylor Hornby on April 18, 2013. You can find it
  5 // on the web at:
  6 //          https://defuse.ca/gnutls-psk-client-server-example.htm
  7 // 
  8 // This code is in the public domain. You can do whatever you want with it.
  9 //
 10 // In this simple example,
 11 //   1. The server accepts a TCP connection from the client.
 12 //   2. The server and client perform the SSL/TLS handshake over the connection.
 13 //   3. The server sends the client some data.
 14 //   4. The server and client close the SSL/TLS and TCP connection.
 15 //   5. The server and the client exit.
 16 //
 17 // The code is heavily commented so that it can be understood by someone who has
 18 // never used GnuTLS before. The GnuTLS manual can be found here:
 19 //               http://www.gnutls.org/manual/gnutls.html
 21 // Standard library stuff
 22 #include <stdio.h>
 23 #include <stdlib.h>
 24 #include <string.h>
 25 #include <errno.h>
 27 // Stuff for sockets
 28 #include <unistd.h>
 29 #include <netinet/in.h>
 30 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 31 #include <sys/types.h>
 32 #include <sys/socket.h>
 34 // GnuTLS!
 35 #include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
 37 // This is the secret key that must be shared (over a secure channel!) between
 38 // the client and server. Obviously in a real application it should be in
 39 // a configuration file or something and not built-in constant. It also
 40 // shouldn't be an ASCII string. Use a good CSPRNG!
 43 // IPv4 address of the server which we will connect to.
 44 #define SERVER_IP ""
 45 // The TCP port number that the server is running on, which we will connect to.
 46 #define SERVER_PORT 8050
 47 // GnuTLS log level. 9 is the most verbose.
 48 #define LOG_LEVEL 0
 50 int make_one_connection(const char *address, int port);
 51 void error_exit(const char *msg);
 52 // GnuTLS callbacks.
 53 int psk_creds(gnutls_session_t, const char*, gnutls_datum_t*);
 54 ssize_t data_push(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, const void*, size_t);
 55 ssize_t data_pull(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, void*, size_t);
 56 void print_logs(int, const char*);
 57 void print_audit_logs(gnutls_session_t, const char*);
 59 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 60 {
 61     // We use the 'res' variable to capture return values, so we can check for
 62     // success/failure.
 63     int res;
 65     // Initialize GnuTLS's global state. You only have to do this once.
 66     gnutls_global_init();
 68     // Enable logging (for debugging).
 69     // Be careful with this in a real application. You don't want to reveal the
 70     // logging information to any potential attackers.
 71     gnutls_global_set_log_level(LOG_LEVEL);
 72     gnutls_global_set_log_function(print_logs);
 73     // Enable logging (for auditing).
 74     // (commented out because it's not available in my version of GnuTLS)
 75     // gnutls_global_set_audit_log_function(print_audit_logs);
 77     // A GnuTLS session is like a socket for an SSL/TLS connection.
 78     gnutls_session_t session;
 80     // Initialize the session for our connection to the server.
 81     res = gnutls_init(&session, GNUTLS_CLIENT);
 82     if (res != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
 83         error_exit("gnutls_init() failed.\n");
 84     }
 86     // Allocate a structure that we use to tell GnuTLS what our "username" and
 87     // pre-shared key is.
 88     gnutls_psk_client_credentials_t cred;
 89     res = gnutls_psk_allocate_client_credentials(&cred);
 90     if (res != 0) {
 91         error_exit("gnutls_psk_allocate_client_credentials() failed.\n");
 92     }
 93     // Construct the pre-shared key in GnuTLS's 'datum' structure, whose
 94     // definition is as follows:
 95     //      typedef struct {
 96     //          unsigned char *data;
 97     //          unsigned int size;
 98     //      } gnutls_datum_t;
 99     gnutls_datum_t key;
100     key.size = strlen(SECRET_KEY);
101     key.data = malloc(key.size);
102     memcpy(key.data, SECRET_KEY, key.size);
103     // Put the username and key into the structure we use to tell GnuTLs what
104     // the credentials are. The example server doesn't care about usernames, so
105     // we use "Alice" here.
106     res = gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials(cred, "Alice", &key, GNUTLS_PSK_KEY_RAW);
107     memset(key.data, 0, key.size);
108     free(key.data);
109     key.data = NULL;
110     key.size = 0;
111     // You could instead use a callback to give the credentials to GnuTLS. See
112     // gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials_function().
113     if (res != 0) {
114         error_exit("gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials() failed.\n");
115     }
116     // Pass our credentials (which contains the username and key) to GnuTLS.
117     res = gnutls_credentials_set(session, GNUTLS_CRD_PSK, cred);
118     if (res != 0) {
119         error_exit("gnutls_credentials_set() failed.\n");
120     }
122     // Set the cipher suite priorities.
123     // See section 6.10 of the GnuTLS manuals for a description of this string.
124     // Run `gnutls-cli -l` to see what your GnuTLS supports.
125     const char *error = NULL;
126     // Here we allow all 128+ bit ciphers except RC4 and disable SSL3 and TLS1.0.
127     res = gnutls_priority_set_direct(
128         session,
129         "SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0:-VERS-TLS1.0:-ARCFOUR-128:+PSK:+DHE-PSK",
130         &error
131     );
132     if (res != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) {
133         error_exit("gnutls_priority_set_direct() failed.\n");
134     }
136     // Make a TCP connection to the server.
137     int connfd = make_one_connection(SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT);
139     // Below we give GnuTLS access to the transport layer. GnuTLS needs a way of
140     // reading and writing to and from the TCP socket (or whatever transport
141     // layer you're using). Newer versions of GnuTLS can work directly with
142     // Berkely sockets (see gnutls_transport_set_int()), but here we use the
143     // push/pull callbacks as an example.
145     // GnuTLS passes a pointer to the send and receive callbacks. Here we
146     // construct a pointer to the connection's file descriptor which we will
147     // tell GnuTLS to pass to the callbacks.
148     int *connfdPtr = malloc(sizeof(int));
149     *connfdPtr = connfd;
150     gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session, connfdPtr);
152     // Set the callback that allows GnuTLS to PUSH data TO the transport layer
153     gnutls_transport_set_push_function(session, data_push);
154     // Set the callback that allows GnuTls to PULL data FROM the tranport layer
155     gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(session, data_pull);
157     // Now we perform the actual SSL/TLS handshake.
158     // If you wanted to, you could send some data over the tcp socket before
159     // giving it to GnuTLS and performing the handshake. See the GnuTLS manual
160     // on STARTTLS for more information.
161     do {
162         res = gnutls_handshake(session);
163     } while ( res != 0 && !gnutls_error_is_fatal(res) );
165     if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res)) {
166         error_exit("Fatal error during handshake.\n");
167     }
169     // If the handshake worked, we can now receive the data that the server is
170     // sending to us.
171     printf("------- BEGIN DATA FROM SERVER -------\n");
172     char buf[100];
173     res = gnutls_record_recv(session, buf, sizeof(buf));
174     while (res != 0) {
175         if (res == GNUTLS_E_REHANDSHAKE) {
176             error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
177         } else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res)) {
178             error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
179         } else if (res > 0) {
180             fwrite(buf, 1, res, stdout);
181             fflush(stdout);
182         }
183         res = gnutls_record_recv(session, buf, sizeof(buf));
184     }
185     printf("------- END DATA FROM SERVER -------\n");
187     // Tear down the SSL/TLS connection. You could just close the TCP socket,
188     // but this authenticates to the client your intent to close the connection,
189     // so they can distinguish between you actually wanting to close the
190     // connection and an attacker forcing it to close. Always do this.
191     gnutls_bye(session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
193     // Destroy the session.
194     gnutls_deinit(session);
196     // Close the TCP connection.
197     close(connfd);
198     // GnuTLS shouldn't be making calls to the push/pull functions, so it's now
199     // safe to deallocate the pointer to the socket.
200     free(connfdPtr);
202     // Destroy the structure we used to tell GnuTLS what credentials to use.
203     // We have to do this after we call gnutls_deinit(), since GnuTLS doesn't
204     // make an internal copy of the structure.
205     gnutls_psk_free_client_credentials(cred);
207     // Finally, tear down the GnuTLS's global state.
208     gnutls_global_deinit();
210     printf("All done!\n");
211     return 0;
212 }
214 // GnuTLS calls this function to send data through the transport layer. We set
215 // this callback with gnutls_transport_set_push_function(). It should behave
216 // like send() (see the manual for specifics).
217 ssize_t data_push(gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, const void* data, size_t len)
218 {
219     int sockfd = *(int*)(ptr);
220     return send(sockfd, data, len, 0);
221 }
223 // GnuTLS calls this function to receive data from the transport layer. We set
224 // this callback with gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(). It should act like
225 // recv() (see the manual for specifics).
226 ssize_t data_pull(gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, void* data, size_t maxlen)
227 {
228     int sockfd = *(int*)(ptr);
229     return recv(sockfd, data, maxlen, 0);
230 }
232 // GnuTLS will call this function whenever there is a new debugging log message.
233 void print_logs(int level, const char* msg)
234 {
235     printf("GnuTLS [%d]: %s", level, msg);
236 }
238 // GnuTLS will call this function whenever there is a new audit log message.
239 void print_audit_logs(gnutls_session_t session, const char* message)
240 {
241     printf("GnuTLS Audit: %s", message);
242 }
244 // Makes a TCP connection to the given IPv4 address and port number.
245 int make_one_connection(const char *address, int port)
246 {
247     int res;
248     int connfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
249     struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
250     if (connfd < 0) {
251         error_exit("socket() failed.\n");
252     }
253     memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
254     serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
255     serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
256     res = inet_pton(AF_INET, address, &serv_addr.sin_addr);
257     if (res != 1) {
258         error_exit("inet_pton() failed.\n");
259     }
260     res = connect(connfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
261     if (res < 0) {
262         error_exit("connect() failed.\n");
263     }
264     return connfd;
265 }
267 void error_exit(const char *msg)
268 {
269     printf("ERROR: %s", msg);
270     exit(1);
271 }