Online x86 / x64 Assembler and Disassembler

This tool takes x86 or x64 assembly instructions and converts them to their binary representation (machine code). It can also go the other way, taking a hexadecimal string of machine code and transforming it into a human-readable representation of the instructions. It uses GCC and objdump behind the scenes.

You can use this tool to learn how x86 instructions are encoded or to help with shellcode development.


Enter your assembly code using Intel syntax below.

Architecture: x86 x64


Paste any hex string that encodes x86 instructions (e.g. a shellcode) below. Any "0x"'s are removed from the string and non-hex characters are skipped over, so you don't have to remove the double quotes or "\x" if you're disassembling a C-style string literal or array!

Architecture: x86 x64