Known Unknowns

This page lists things that I am aware of but do not understand. They are "known unknowns."

It is not my goal to learn about everything on this list, for that would be impossible. The list will necessarily expand as I learn more and more. I doubt it is possible to learn one thing without acquiring at least two more known unknowns. The purpose of the list is to remind me of the things I do not know, and perhaps to guide me while learning about the universe in which I exist. I am publishing it so others may use it to start their own list.

It is difficult to characterize what sorts of things are worth adding to the list. I cannot explain why knowing about rocks on Mars is more important than memorizing the arrangement of stones in the street in front of my house. I will never directly experience the former, whereas I experience the latter almost every day. I can only say that permutations of rocks are uninteresting to me unless they are something like 225,000,000 km away. For most people, the permutations of fabric that cover some individuals at events like The Academy Awards is somewhat interesting. To me, it is much less interesting than the arrangement of stones outside my house.

This list is incomplete.